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Center for Global Research Development, CGRD


Center for Global Research Development (CGRD) is an independent virtual Research Center has been working for creating and nurturing talents and delivering supports and services to education and research in USA and around the world since its inception.


CGRD offers a variety of programs to support and promote education development, international cooperation, including educational programs for students, financial support for researchers and international education projects, as well as scientific publication. In addition to research activities, CGRD provides a good number of scholarships to the poor and meritorious students at various levels of education all over the world. It plays an important role in the field of research by funding research projects and publishing the research papers.


CGRD publishes a number of Journals covering Science, Business, Humanities, Marketing, Strategic Communication, Management, Economic Development, Arts, Entrepreneurship Development, Education, Human Developments, Behavioral Science, Social Science, International Relations, Finance, Mathematical Science, Risk Management, Strategic Communication, Agriculture, Applied Science, Environmental Science, Engineering Technology, Medical Science, General science, Health Science, Animal Science, Paralegal, Performing Arts (Music, Theatre & Dance), Sea Science, Political Science and so on.


All Journals are peer reviewed and open access

International Journal of Arts and Humanities (IJAH)


International Journal of Arts and Humanities (IJAH) is an international open-access, peer reviewed and refereed journal which is published by Center for Global Research Development (CGRD). The journal provides a space for academics, researchers and professionals to share the latest developments and advances in Arts and Humanities. It aims to foster the exchange of ideas on a range of important international subjects and to provide stimulus for research and the further development of international perspectives. The international perspective is further enhanced by the geographical spread of the contributors. 

Articles, all of which are refereed, comprise: empirical studies with practical application; examinations of theoretical and methodological developments in the field of Arts and Humanities. 

IJAH all of the content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.  

The journal is published both in print and online versions.

Aims and Objectives 

International Journal of Arts and Humanities is a journal dedicated to promote and publish original articles in the relevant field of Arts and Humanitiesand aims to reduce the gap between research and practice. 

The Journal contribute to the development of theory and practice of this domains. Accepts academic papers, case studies, articles that contribute to current research areas mentioned. 

IJAH provides perspectives on topics relevant to the study. All papers a double blind reviewed. The Editor reserves the right to reject papers that, in the view of the editorial board, are either of insufficient quality, or are not relevant to the subject area. 

The journal’s scope is to facilitate the researchers, scholars, resource persons and practitioners to come on a platform and to share their findings of the research with the rest of the world so that informed decisions can be taken to improve businesses and societies as a whole.